8 January 2014 Current Affairs
Delhi Government Launched Anti Corruption Helpline
Delhi Chief Minister launched a helpline number 011-27357169 on 8 January to assist people deal with demands for bribes by government workers.The service has been set up under the chief minister’s offices and the cases will be passed on to the vigilance department.The helpline will instruct the caller on how to conduct a sting operation by secretly recording the bribe seeker’s demand whether in audio or video. The audio or video is the first evidence on the basis of government’s anti-corruption team which will lay a trap to nab the offender red handed.
RBI relaxed Gold Loan Norms To Lend Up To 75 Percent Loan
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 8 January allowed the Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) to lend up to 75 percent of the value of gold .With this order of the central bank , the people seeking loan against gold can now borrow more. Earlier, the limitation of loan on gold was 60 percent. The order has been passed in a view of the moderation in the growth of the gold loan portfolios of NBFCs in recent past.