Click here to download 29 March 2019 CA Quiz in PDF Format

1) Who was appointed to Serve as Ad-Hoc Ethics Officer?
A) Arjan Kumar Sikri
B) Sharad Arvind Bobde
C) N. V. Ramana
D) D.K. Jain
Answer: D

2) Which Principal organ of UN Passes Resolution to Combat Terrorist Financing?
A) United Nations General Assembly
B) UN Security Council
C) United Nations Trusteeship Council
D) United Nations Secretariat
Answer: B

3) Which Company becomes 1st Indian Port Operator to Record 200 MMT Cargo Movement?
A) Wipro
B) Infosys
C) Adani
D) Godrej Group
Answer: C

4) Infosys arm to buy how many percentage stake in Dutch bank subsidiary?
A) 75%
B) 85%
C) 35%
D) 25%
Answer: A

5) Which Indian Economist to be Honored Oxford University’s Bodley Award?
A) Raghuram Rajan
B) Amartya Sen
C) Jagdish Bhagwati
D) Gita Gopinath
Answer: B

6) Who is the author of the book ‘Indian Fiscal Federalism’?
A) Raghuram Rajan
B) Urjit Patel
C) Shaktikanta Das
D) Y. Venugopal Reddy
Answer: D

7) Which Country tests its 1st anti-satellite missile system, codenamed Mission Shakti?
B) China
C) India
D) Japan
Answer: C

8) Soviet-era Cosmonaut Who has Passed Away?
A) Valery Bykovsky
B) Alexei Leonov
C) Svetlana Savitskaya
D) Musa Manarov
Answer: A

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